First thing today, I want to thank the Manchester Library for hosting my talk at the Whiton Branch last week. Also, a big thank you to everyone who attended the talk! It was a fun […]
Photographs, Pistols & Parasols
Celebrating Early Women Artisan Photographers
Profiles of some early women photographers in Connecticut
First thing today, I want to thank the Manchester Library for hosting my talk at the Whiton Branch last week. Also, a big thank you to everyone who attended the talk! It was a fun […]
I’m delighted to announce that I’ve been invited to give a lecture about early women artisan photographers from Connecticut at our local library here in Manchester, CT. The 1-hour talk starts at 6:00pm on March 19, […]
Today is the start of a new series on the blog that I’m calling “Early PICT.” PICT stands for “Photographer in Connecticut”; although “women” is not in the name itself, the series will of course […]