1899 Philadelphia Salon Jury

Group portrait of photographic salon jury members in profile facing left, including, left to right, Clarence H. White, Gertrude Käsebier, Henry Troth, F. Holland Day, and Frances Benjamin Johnston.1 899 photo by Eva Watson Schütze (1867-1935)

Today we have something a little different: an artistic “portrait” of the 5 members (photographers all) of the jury for 1899 Philadelphia [Photography] Salon. The jury selected the entries to be exhibited in the 1899 […]

37 – March Montage 2019

In today’s episode we’ll learn who the photographers were for all the photos I included in my March 8, 2019 montage in honor of International Women’s Day.

Under the Hood

Gertrude Käsebier (and friend), 1905; photo by Frances Benjamin Johnston

“But I always thought it was a man under that hood behind the camera!”
— Comment from a woman after learning that both men and women ran studios and were professional photographers in the 19th century.