100 years ago today: Imprint of Success

100 years ago today the following announcement appeared in the Birmingham News: Yes, 100 years ago today, Birmingham News readers would have been excited to learn that Montevallo’s own photographer, Alice Yeager, was elected vice-president […]

Stanton Photos

Stanton Studio newspaper ad that includes a thank you note from the parents of the 1906 Baby Contest winner. Springfield News, December 23, 1906

I was focused on the multi-generational aspect of the Stanton Studio(s) in my last post and I neglected to provide many examples of photos taken by those studios. So, today I want to correct that.

100 years ago today: All in the family

Notice in the Springfield, OH newspper that the Stanton Photo Gallery in town will be cloaed for several weeks while th Mr and Mrs Stanton, and their daugthter Martha, go to the annnual photographers cinference and also visit studios Chicago to check out the latest techniques, Springfield News, July 17,1924

100 years ago today, this notice appeared in the newspaper in Springfield, Ohio: Note that M.C. Stanton, his wife Rosetta, and their youngest daughter Martha were all photographers at the Stanton Studio. But… … there […]

100 years ago today: Play Ball!

Baseball challenge details issued by Great Northern Railroad officials to the businessmen of Whitefish, Montana published by The Daily Inter Lake, June 11, 1924. Mrs. Keller is designated as the official photographer of the game.

Today we’re looking at an article published on June 11, 1924 in the Daily Inter Lake newspaper from Kalispell, Montana. (Kalispell is the county seat of Flathead County, Montana.) The article in question outlines a […]

1899 Philadelphia Salon Jury

Group portrait of photographic salon jury members in profile facing left, including, left to right, Clarence H. White, Gertrude Käsebier, Henry Troth, F. Holland Day, and Frances Benjamin Johnston.1 899 photo by Eva Watson Schütze (1867-1935)

Today we have something a little different: an artistic “portrait” of the 5 members (photographers all) of the jury for 1899 Philadelphia [Photography] Salon. The jury selected the entries to be exhibited in the 1899 […]

100 years ago today: A Focus on Advertising

On May 27th, 1924, faithful readers of the Rushville Republican newspaper in Rushville, Indiana would not have been surprised to spot an ad for the Euphemia Lewis photography studio. You see, from the moment Miss […]

It pays to get the best!

Yesterday, my husband, Chris – the best Internet searcher around! – uncovered a real gem in an 1899 yearbook from the University of Colorado. It’s an ad for Mrs. B.B. Chase’s photography studio in Denver, […]