100 years ago today: Resurrecting a photo taken 55 years earlier

Headline from an article about Janet Townley restoring an old photo taken in 1869. Article from Portage Daily register, April 25, 1924

100 years ago an article in the Portage Daily Register celebrated the photographic prowess of local photographer Janet Townley and her talent at successfully restoring a faded photograph from 1869.

100 years ago today – Remembering Mrs. B. Kalin, photographer

100 years ago today, if we were in Kansas reading the Longford Journal newspaper, we would have run across the sad news that Mrs. Brita Kalin Rosenquist had died. Mrs. Brita Kalin was widowed in […]

100 years ago today: Many Moons ago

Notice in the Charlotte Observer on March 31, 1924 that Mary E. Moon has left her husband William J. Moon, and he isn't going to pay any of her bills.

March 31, 1924 Oh dear. What’s going on with between Mary E. and William J. Moon, the dynamic couple who ran the popular Moon photography studio in Charlotte , NC? The following notice appeared in […]

100 years ago today: “So completely satisfying”

If we were to travel to Chapel Hill, NC 100 years ago today and get a copy of the Daily Tar Heel newspaper, we might not be surprised to see that Miss Katie L. Johnson […]

100 years ago: Social gatherings

Boston Globe article, Feb 21, 1924 - Excerpt 1

100 years ago today (February 21, 1924) we find a write-up of last night’s big ball in Boston that was sponsored by the British Naval and Military Veteran’s Association. One of the secretaries of the […]

100 years ago: Fire and Frost

Today we consider some snippets from a long article that appeared 100 years ago today in the Groton Times newspaper in New Hampshire, about a fire that occurred on January 31, 1924 in Littleton, New […]

On the trail of Early Women photographers of New England

There’s a recording  available here of my Sept 11, 2022 talk for the Photographic Historical Society of New England.  There was a great discussion after my presentation – my presentation is only about 40 minutes […]

Breathing life into a family legend

L-R: unidentified woman; Louise Burke, Winifred Burke (date an place unknown) (photo provided by Lee McIntyre)

Although there isn’t an early women photographer with a connection to  the photo of the 3 girls in my last post, Chris and I have uncovered some interesting information – and also a puzzle – […]