In today’s episode we celebrate the life of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Mater-Smith, a successful – and resourceful! — photographer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
55 – A Photographic Union
In today’s May 1st episode we celebrate a photographer who was a driving force behind a photographers’ labor union in Seattle in 1918.
54 – All in the family
In today’s episode we meet a mother-daughter paid who both worked as early women photographers, but who probably never worked together.
53x-Happy International Women’s Day 2020

A collage of photos by early women artisan photographers in honor of International Women’s Day 2020.
52x – An Unfortunate Delay
My podcast episode that would have dropped on March 1st has unfortunately been delayed.
51 – Exceptionally Splendid Sisters
In today’s episode, we’ll meet the exceptional Goodlander sisters, two celebrated photographers who ran photography studios together in Indiana for more than half a century!
50 – Mr and Mrs in Italy

In today’s episode, it’s a special trip to Italy to celebrate a married couple who happened to be professional photographers in the late 19th century.
49 – Fate and Fortune

In today’s episode we discover the adventurous life and career of a photographer named Sarah Luse Larimer.
48 – Pictures for an Exposition

In today’s episode, we meet the extraordinary Franc E. Albright from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
47 – Triumph and Tragedy in Great Bend

In today’s episode, we’re going to meet Mrs. M. Gainsford, a woman who was not only a successful photographer, but also an early entrepreneur and Kansas pioneer starting in the early 1870s.